If you could change something in Python what would it be?

Digital Marketing
2 min readJul 28, 2021


If you could change something in Python what would it be?

If you could change something in Python what would it be? — Yasoob Khalid

Practical Python Projects book is now available! Learn how to implement 12 end-to-end projects to enhance your Python knowledge.

Author, Blogger & artist who can’t make up his mind.


February 08, 2014
Hi there guys. Recently I posted a question on Reddit. The question was that if you could change something in Python what would it be? I got some really interesting answers from other programmers. Here are some of the top answers till now.

Make building a stand alone executable part of the spec. The two main projects that do it are hacks

the namespaces in the datetime module. its really annoying to have to remember if I used

import datetime
# vs.
from datetime import datetime

optional static typing. as in i would add the ability to statically type things in python, but not make it mandatory.

“slef” should be a universal alias for self

Get rid of the GIL

A good, consistent, Pythonic, cross-platform, batteries-included graphic library. Tkinter is the closest, but the execution loop makes it challenging to do advanced stuff, and the adherence to Tk makes it challenging for a beginner to do basic stuff.I appreciate it’s not easy to design and write such a thing, but I can still wish.

Compile to native codeCombine 2 and 3 into one version moving forward
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